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The chat box is not c-box. its more like msn. YAY! almost everyone in class join liao.. deleted KB teachers cos of someone...

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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)


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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only) Empty how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)

    Post  darrenong Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:59 am

    1. Examine his body language. If he likes you, you may see that he rarely turns his back to you, often leans towards you, and also looks at you a lot. Both his feet will point towards you if he's comfortable with you, but if he's uncomfortable with you, one foot will be pointing at you and the other will be pointing at another girl.
    2. Notice his eye contact. If he likes you, he may either look away quickly if he is shy, or he'll try to catch your eye and hold it or make faces. This can be uncomfortable if you don't like him. If you feel like you have held eye contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks away quickly, then there is something there. When he's around you and he says/does something funny and everyone around laughs, his eyes will flicker towards you for a second to see if you laughed, too.
    * His pupils may dilate if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you might come across as acting strangely by looking that closely into his eyes. If you're around him for a long time, it could be easier to pick up on gradually.
    * Hint: If you like him, your pupils may be dilated. Check a mirror, then see if his eyes are similar.
    3. When a guy likes you he will try and make himself seem impressive to you.
    * Listen to what he's saying. If he likes you, and he's nervous, he'll probably start talking about himself. Many times, guys feel the need to prove themselves- especially if you talk about another guy in his company.
    4. Be aware of touching. He might put his hand on your arm when he laughs, and won't move his leg if it happens to touch yours, or he may hug you for small things - all are good signs of a guy liking you. But be careful because this may be a result of him just being nice to you and not fancying you.
    5. Watch for him showing interest in things you like and do. For example, if you like a certain genre of music that he likes as well, he may suggest bands or artists for you to listen to. Another example, if you play sports he may ask to play against you just to show off that he's good at something you both like and then also have a reason to give you compliments as well.
    6. Notice the way he treats you - does he playfully tease you, or call you names, just to try and get your attention? It's natural for a guy to tease when he likes a girl, but remember, someone can still tease someone, even if they aren't attracted to them. Also, keep in mind that some guys simply will not tease you.
    7. Check for signs of nervousness Nervous laughter, sweaty palms, deep breaths, fidgeting, looking away quickly when you notice if he is watching you are all good signs of an attraction towards you and that he is nervous about making an impression on someone he fancies. Also notice if you call his name, does his head snap around right away or does it turn gradually?
    8. Smile at him- a big smile in return is a good sign. Also, see if he always ends up in the same part of the room as you; perhaps he keeps going out of his way to bump into you and to flash his smile in your direction. If so, then smile back!
    9. Pay attention to his friends. If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like him. Study their reactions to your presence - do they smile? Do they turn to him? Do they smirk in a way that suggests they know something that you don't? Maybe when they dare him in games of truth and dare, they always dare him to do something to you. If so, then there's a good chance that they know that he really does like you.
    10. Be open! Give him room to approach you and talk to you - it can ruin the situation if he hasn't got any opportunity to do so, for example if your friends are giggling in the background, or you are never on your own.
    11. Pay attention to how many times he uses your name. If you talk to him often, watch how many times he uses your first name. People tend to use your name to get your attention, and it shows that they think about you! For example, if you say something, and he replies with "ha ha, nice, [ name here ]" it means he thinks about what he is saying more than if he replies with "ha ha, nice." The second doesn't mean he doesn't like you, but using your name is usually a tell-tale sign.
    12. Notice his behavior in conversation. Sometimes when guys ask you questions and other people distract the conversation or cut him off, he'll just forget about it. If you notice that he keeps asking or changing the subject back to the question until you answer, then he may like you - but if the topic is something serious, he may just want to know out of curiosity.
    13. He'll flirt with other girls to get your attention- If a guy is really into you he will want to make you jealous. So, he will most likely flirt with other girls in front of you. It gives them a chance to see your reaction. It helps them know if you really do like them or not. The way you can tell that they are trying to make you jealous is that they find little times when they're flirting with the other girl to look at you. His eyes will flick over and look at you. Another sign is that when you leave, he stops flirting with the other girl. That will be a harder one to pick up on, but you can have a friend look for you or something like that. You have to be sneaky sometimes to find out if a guy likes you.
    14. Notice his reaction when you talk about other guys, sometimes his reaction when talking about other guys can be a big hint. If you are talking about how "Jacob looked so cute the other day", and he changes the subject quickly or gets uncomfortable, that's a good sign. If talking about how cute a celebrity is or just even mentioning another guy gives the same reaction, he likes you, and he wants to know that you think of him too.

    1. Notice these tell-tale signs:
    * If he wants to talk to you all the time.
    * If he was acting like you're his friend but stopped doing embarrassing things in front of you,
    * If you turn around and you catch him looking at you.
    * If he starts acting nicer when you're around him.
    * If he says "yes" to all the things you ask him to do.
    * If he treats you differently than others.
    * If he tries to sit next to you at work, in class, at lunch, or play on a team with you during Gym/Recess.
    * If he looks at you a lot every time you smile or laugh.
    * If you catch him sneaking a glance at you and he quickly turns away when he realizes that you saw him,and you see him blush.
    * If he acts immaturely around you, like poking, teasing or playful flirting.
    * If he seems to always want to hang out with you.
    * If he gets closer with a body part, or if he tries to touch you (e.g. when you touch him he might touch you back).
    * If you ask him for a pencil and he gives it to you, then you try and give it back and he says to keep it, there is a huge chance he might like you but be careful, he may know that you like him and he might be playing with your emotions!
    * If you catch him peeking at you and he smiles turn around slowly and smile back playfully.
    * if when your talking and you say that you have to go, if he says nite cutie or nite sweetie, then that might mean he likes you. If he says he misses you then he might like you.
    * If he tries to make you laugh.
    * If he tries to copy you.
    * If he tries to keep you in view for as long as possible or tends to look around and stop when he finds you.
    * If he subtly looks at you but makes it look like he is looking at the girl next to him.
    * If he's immature he will act different around you, quiet and maybe even try to avoid you. Or, he'll act different around you than when he's just with his friends.
    * If he constantly calls you and uses an excuse -such as What was the homework?
    * If he goes out of his way to talk to you (e.g. if he goes to the other side of your school to talk to you because he knows you have a class there).
    * If you see him staring at something by turning his head 90 degrees and when you look at him he smiles and turns away, when this happens, check his pupils, he might have actually been staring at you.
    * If he invites you to a party.
    * If you flirt with a friend of his when he can see, and he looks jealous or automatically flirts back, (but don't flirt with them just to find out if he likes you).
    * If he talks to you and wants to know how you're doing.
    * If he is nicer or tries to talk to your friends.
    * If he asks about you to your friends when you're not around.
    * If he asks you to dance with him at the dance. Note: He may be trying to be nice because he thinks you like him.
    * If he walks past you and tries to look cool so you can glance at him.
    * If a guy tries to show you things he got that are somewhat expensive (e.g. a cellphone) or he tries to impress you.
    * If you notice when he gets out of class and starts to walk a little slower than usual, then he's trying to give you the opportunity to talk to him!
    * If he always talks to you there's a great chance that he likes you.
    * If he feels so awful letting you down that he lies.
    * If he would do anything to spend more time talking to you (e.g. if he talks/texts/IM's you until midnight).
    * If you realize that he ignores you when you're looking but when you look out of the corner of your eye, he turns back around to look back at you.
    * If he's talking to his friends and nodding like he's paying attention but you realize he's not, he's actually been staring at you the whole time!
    * If he walks down the hallway (at school) and he "accidentally" bumps/touches you, if he moves your chair or pulls your hair etc.
    * If he ignores you almost completely. For example, when you call his name he does nothing, but when your friend does, he pays attention. This is because he might be embarrassed or not sure how to approach you. Be careful, though, he might ignore because he just flat-out doesn't like you!
    2. Watch his body language! Whenever you are in a group of people with the one guy you think likes you, look at his shoulders - believe it or not, sub-consciously the guy will not want you to think he is ignoring you so his shoulders will be pointing at you, he may be talking to somebody else but his shoulders will be towards your direction, and then when you go to talk, he will usually immediately turn to you to listen.
    3. Watch his actions! If someone else is picking on you does he rush to defend you or get revenge on that person? Either he thinks of you as a great friend or he really likes you!
    4. Where he goes! If you see him go some places that you usually go often and whenever you go there and he passes by or goes there that means he likes you. Or whenever you go you see him or go across him for no reason. And he will talk to you a lot in gym,lunch,music or many more!
    5. Watch his actions around other girls and see if he treats you differently. If he always wants to talk to you or just likes to hang around you.
    6. If he starts a conversation, try to push it on. If he likes you, one thing may lead to another, and he will ask you out.
    7. Notice if he asks you your name, or asks if you like him.
    8. Take note, if your guy nods down to you,and or breaks eye contact, he sees you as a friend. If he nods up and keeps eye contact, he's trying to flirt.
    9. If one of his friends keeps telling you stuff he said about you, like how hot you are, he probably likes you.
    10. If he jokes around a lot with you and gives the cheeky little smirk.
    11. Notice if he compliments you on a lot of things.
    12. If he was always talking, teasing or even getting you mad, but, now he's not. He's probably shy, especially if you notice that he likes you.
    13. To be sure say that you "forget loose leaf paper" in class. Right away he will help you. Also, if you fall, drop your books, etc. (yes, this is very cliche) he will help you. Boys will help girls they like, so the girl they want knows that he cares for her, and knows she can count on him.
    14. If the guy lets you tease him. Meaning all you do is for example take his things or call him a by a cute nickname, and he allows it he likes you.
    15. If you can play like you're not cool with him, and he asks why?, in a questionable sweet way he likes you.
    16. If, when you're talking to someone and he jumps into the conversation and tries making fun of you or tries to make you laugh or smile.
    17. If a guy says your name a lot and always wants to talk to you. Such as in class and he asks you for a pencil. Don't always respond as quick as you could by saying, "Yes, I have a pencil!" Say something like, "No, Sorry i dont have one" it always works.
    18. If he stares at you, while almost forcing you to stare back. He then can try to make you laugh, or giggle by staring at you for a long time.
    19. If the guy comes to one of your athletic or musical events, he probably is there for a reason.
    20. Also, notice who starts up the most conversations. If you always have to approach him, he probably doesn't like you. However, he may just be shy. If you find that he comes up to you in the hallways to start conversations, he most likely is attracted to you.
    21. When you are walking to another class or to the buses he will walk really fast to overtake you then walk really slow so you catch up with him so he can talk to you and start flirting and it doesn't look like he meant to.
    22. Ask his friends if he talks about you (they might just say yes).
    23. If he asks you who you like, or what you would do if you wanted to tell someone who they liked. (careful he might be asking about someone else).
    24. Become friends with his friends and him, and just ask his friends if he likes you. A simple way that he won't find strange or suspicious, just social, and you get real results from people that he would tell.
    25. Never ask him if he likes you. Usually 99% of the time a guy will never say he likes you straight up. You have to find out if he likes you. If you ask him he'll probably think that you like him. And that is something you don't want to happen if you don't like him.
    26. If he does whatever he can to make you smile or laugh when you are in a bad mood.
    27. If you say around him "Oh I'm so dumb." or something like that he'll say you're not
    28. Remember, guys are human too. They think more like you than you realize. They do things they regret right afterwards, too. Just be compassionate and realize that girls and guys are more alike than is usually understood.
    29. If a guy makes up stuff saying you like another boy, this is usually a sign that he likes you. He's trying to get you to hint who you like.
    30. If , when your talking , he looks at your lips

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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only) Empty Re: how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)

    Post  `CHERMAINE.♥ Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:26 pm

    [center][b]if you can see that happening in our class then say lah.

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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only) Empty Re: how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)

    Post  xuetingg~ Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:31 pm

    WOW, super long list.
    definitely copied and pasted.
    Jia Xin
    Jia Xin

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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only) Empty Re: how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)

    Post  Jia Xin Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:28 pm

    oh my god darren, u spend time to search for these stuffs?
    it's lame. and this should be in the romance category.

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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only) Empty Re: how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)

    Post  Vyshnavi Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:26 pm

    Y do u even bother to find this ???

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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only) Empty Re: how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)

    Post  Henry316 Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:15 pm

    because darren despo
    Wei Yuan
    Wei Yuan

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    how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only) Empty Re: how to tell if a boy likes an girl(girls only)

    Post  Wei Yuan Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:20 pm

    henry theres nothing fucking wrong with this... if darren want to put then he put lah... it means hes despo meh? hes just helping girls

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